In this part-animated, part-live-action romantic fable, a beautiful princess named Giselle is banished by an evil queen from the cartoon world to gritty present-day New York City. There, she must rescue herself and find true love. After undergoing eight years worth of rewrites, the project finally was filmed spring 2006 with Disney veteran Kevin Lima in the helm. Lima is no stranger to either medium; he began his career working on story for Oliver & Company and Aladdin, moved onto directing "Goof Troop", its big screen spin-off A Goofy Movie, and Tarzan, and most recently has been in the director's chair for live action fare including 102 Dalmatians and the two Eloise TV movies.

Enchanted's cast includes Amy Adams as Princess Giselle, Susan Sarandon as the wicked Queen Narissa, James Marsden as the seemingly perfect Prince, and Broadway actress Idina Menzel. Former '80s icon and current "Grey's Anatomy" star Patrick Dempsey plays a single father (love interest, anyone?) who helps Giselle find her way around New York. The script in use is credited to Bill Kelly, who wrote the well-received 1999 romantic comedy Blast From the Past. While originally announced as being part CG-animation, it was later determined that 2-D animation would be employed for the fairy tale world scenes. This, coupled with the fact that the film is intended to feature six songs written by Stephen Schwartz (Pocahontas) and composed by Alan Menken (Aladdin, The Little Mermaid), is rightfully leading many to consider this a callback of sorts to Disney's animation renaissance of the late '80s/early '90s.

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